What is your 1st Pre-made IGN (In-Game Name) in an Online Game?
For all gamer (and ex gamer), one of the problems they face before starting the game is making In-Game Name or IGN. Usually the players spend time thinking a suitable for name for their chosen character job, gender and class. Even single player gaming is also faced with this particular problem. Making IGN seems sacred to a gamer because the name he/she will use will brand him/her and represent they gamer status.
But in recent years, IGN has become more difficult to make especially with Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing or MMPRPG games because you are more likely to have the same name. As a result, players have been smart in creating their IGN. Some use a camel case, add numbers, or look for an alternative name in another language.
When it comes right down to actually choosing your name there are a couple of tips which will help:
Check and read the Game Naming Rules
When making an In-game name for a particular game, you’ll want to consider the genre and other players, but you’ll also want to look at the game rules for naming. Consider the following:
· Rules — What rules does the game have about creating character’s name? Will calling yourself “Handsome” get you banned? Usually game developers banned explicit or offensive word so you better not try to use it anymore.
· Character length — Check the minimum and the maximum number of characters you can use for your In-Game name?
· Appearance –Will camel case format stand out or will everything be upper case or lower case?
· Special characters — Some games are allowed to use spaces, underscore or special characters. You can use this to make the name you choose unique.
Once you know the general rules of naming the game, you can create a unique and memorable name. It is easier to remember and can also be added quickly when joining a team party or guild. Keep the name short, if you can or try to have it less than 9–15 characters if possible.
Use a Personal and Creative In-game name
If you fail to be inspired, start by listing a few words that have personal meaning to you. This may include the following
· your personal name/ alias or initials
· hobbies, passions, or personal traits
· your pet’s name
· your hometown or country
· favorite colors or flavors
· favorite food or drinks
· anime character
· pop culture comic reference
Still can decide? Try alliteration. Think of adjectives or adverbs that can be paired with your personal words. Or take a walk and look at items or other brand names to get started with ideas.
Use Gamertag Generators
If you’re still not creative, use a game name generator. You don’t need to plan to any of their suggestions and you’ll manipulate one to your liking.
Use google to search for Game name generator. The internet is one of the fastest ways to search and make in-game names. Many sites offer a free name creator and some also offer different categories to suit your taste
Recently, funny names are very popular and those can be hard to find in generators. Is there a famous person who uses a randomly generated name? Yes, in fact, well -known game streamers around the world can find their names in random generators.
Have you ever thought of a good In-game Name? If the tips I gave you are not enough for you, watch out for the next article we will post.
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